Lithium Hypochlorite Spa Sanitiser is History!

Lithium Hypochlorite Spa Sanitiser is History!

Lithium Hypochlorite (BioGuard Chlorinated Concentrate) spa sanitiser has disappeared from shelves around the world. While the world’s supply of Lithium is not considered to be exhausted, the amount of lithium being mined is struggling to keep up with the demand...
Clearing A Cloudy Pool

Clearing A Cloudy Pool

We love it when a pool looks gorgeous and sparkling! On a hot summer’s day, there is nothing more inviting than a beautiful crystal clear pool to dive into. However, it is not uncommon for a pool to go a little bit cloudy and sometimes even a lot cloudy! As long...
Fix Your Green Pool

Fix Your Green Pool

Has your swimming pool turned green? Unsure what to do to get your pool water back to blue? We can help! Save yourself time and money by learning how to fix your green pool properly, on the first attempt! Save yourself even more time and money by preventing it from...
Maintaining Your Swimming Pool

Maintaining Your Swimming Pool

Maintaining your swimming pool and spa pool can be cost-effective and less time-consuming if a few simple guidelines are followed. How long should I run my pool pump? For a standard pool pump during the summer it is recommended that the filter should run for 8 to 10...
5 Easy Steps To Maintain Your Pool Pump

5 Easy Steps To Maintain Your Pool Pump

Here, we share 5 easy steps to maintain your pool pump. The pump is the heart of your pool. Its purpose is to draw water from the pool, which goes through a filter and is pumped back into the pool once clean. It makes sense that, like a car engine, a healthy pool pump...

123a Blenheim Road

(03) 978 1504
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Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:30-5:00 Sat: 9:00-3:00 Sun: Closed