Terms of Trade
TERMS OF TRADE – Regular Service Clients

1. Regular Service Options
Regular servicing is offered on a weekly, two weekly or four weekly basis. Servicing frequency is agreed at the time of engagement and is either the same frequency year round or seasonal (summer + winter frequency).
One month notice via email is required to change servicing frequency or to discontinue servicing. Regular servicing options include Premium, Essential and Spa Service.
Premium Service
- check all equipment is functioning correctly
- backwash the filter – when required
- check and clear skimmer basket/s
- check and clear pump basket/s
- manually test water poolside for chlorine and pH – adjust as required
- scoop leaves and debris from the pool – when required
- vacuum swimming pool – when required
- full water analysis – 3 monthly or as necessary
- top up chemicals and balance water – when required as per water test
- available weekly or fortnightly from 1 October to 31 March
- available weekly, fortnightly or four weekly 1 April to 30 September
Essential Service
- check all equipment is functioning correctly
- backwash filter – when required
- check and clear skimmer basket/s
- check and clear pump basket/s
- manually test water poolside for chlorine and pH – adjust as required
- full water analysis – 3 monthly or as necessary
- top up chemicals – when required
- balance water – when required as per water test. Additional charge will be made when
- balancing water.
- Available weekly, fortnightly or four weekly all year round
Spa Service
- check equipment is functioning correctly
- hose off /clean cartridge filter or backwash filter
- test water – add chemical when required
- vacuum spa – when needed
- top up chemicals – when required
- full water analysis – monthly or as necessary
- we will advise you when your spa pool needs to be drained, cleaned and refilled. This is not included in the service, however we can do this for you at an additional cost.
- Spa servicing is only available to pool service clients as an additional service.
2. Client expectation and commitment
Clients understand that the environment around the pool and weather conditions can rapidly change the appearance of the swimming pool. Poolside Christchurch cannot guarantee the pool will remain as they leave it for any length of time. If the client is concerned with the quality of the service that has been performed please contact the office as soon as possible.
Under certain weather conditions it may not be possible to perform all of the regular tasks at the time of service. Where possible Poolside Christchurch will defer servicing until the weather conditions are favourable. No alteration to cost of servicing will be made for poor weather conditions.
Clients understand that service visits do not constitute full management of the pool. Clients will need to attend to the pool needs between service visits. The longer the time between visits, the more the client needs to do to maintain the pool. Clients understand it is important to advise
Poolside Christchurch as soon as practicable if they notice any defect with the pool equipment or if the pool is turning green.
Clients are expected to continue servicing throughout the year and may change frequency for the seasons eg fortnightly in summer and four weekly in winter. If client cancels servicing at the end of summer we cannot guarantee there will be capacity to renew servicing in the future.
3. Pricing and Payment
- The price for service is as agreed at the time of engagement or as notified by Poolside Christchurch. Any chemicals or repairs required are charged in addition to the service charge and will be itemised on the invoice. Work completed outside of regular servicing will be charged at the standard service rates.
- An invoice will be issued at the end of the month, followed by a statement in the first week of the next month.
- Due date for payment is as specified on the invoice.
4. Default Consequences of Default
Interest on overdue invoices shall accrue daily from the date when payment becomes due, until the date of payment at a rate of 2% per month.
If the customer defaults in payment of any invoice when due, the Customer shall indemnify Poolside Christchurch from and against all costs and disbursements incurred by Poolside Christchurch in pursuing the debt including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis and Poolside Christchurch’s collection agency costs.
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Does your pool need some love?

If your pool is looking a bit sick, or you don't have time to keep up with the pool maintenance, we are here to help!
Award Winning Poolcare Team